Using the latest technologies and our unique marketing strategies, we begin marketing the property available to rent in order to find the qualified tenant in the quickest possible time.
What is the best rent for the property?
We do strive to get the maximum rent possible. We look at properties currently available for rent and consider the features for comparison to calculate the maximum rent.
What is the length of the average tenancy?
Usually the fixed term is 6 months or 12 months.
What type of tenancy documentation is required?
All subject to the Residential Tenancies Act . It includes a Statutory Tenancy Agreement, a Statutory Premises Condition Report, a Rental Bond Lodgement Form and A New Tenant Checklist from the NSW office of Fair Trading.
Who and how often can we inspect the property?
The owner or agent can inspect the property a maximum of 4 times within 12 months. However, 7 days notice will be given to the tenant. We set up our system to organise, monitor and inspect all our property management every 3 months.
If I want to sell my property, what are the procedures?
Real estate sales can look after for our clients in the property management. Please feel free to contact us to have a complimentary marketing appraisal.